Scott Dinsmoor Masters Clinical Psychology Registered Addiction Specialist

Substance Abuse Specialist

Are you feeling anxious, fearful, tense, or angry and cannot seem to break loose from it? You may be experiencing an undesirable habit which seems to control you. You may not like your behavior, but it seems to take over in certain situations or around certain people. Or are you simply feeling dissatisfied with your life? You may know that you need to make a change, but may not know where to begin. Even if you’ve been in therapy before, I offer a new perspective. I will assist you in identifying your triggers and providing tools for you to use in order to reduce stress and anxiety in your life. Together we can work on making your life more managable, positive, and productive.

If you are ready to get better, I am here to help you. I can help you better understand yourself. Without even being aware of it, many of us recreate the same destructive patterns in life over and over again. These patterns can be broken, improving your quality of life. But you won’t feel better without first understanding what makes you do the things you do. I teach and guide you to learn and practice new and healthy habits and coping skills.

Thousand Oaks 91360 CA US
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Thursday-Saturday 2:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.